
Archives for pushups

push-fist (400x400)

3 Cardio Exercises That Tone Your Chest

by Marnie Bii September 18th, 2014| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
Strong chest muscles balance out the ones in your back, core, arms and legs. The chest is one of the most overlooked areas to tone, however. Luckily, you can work chest-strengthening exercises into your cardio routine to net the benefits of a balanced body. When your body is balanced,

Routine for Those with No Time

by Joe Lawrence September 30th, 2013| 15 Minutes or Less, Exercises, Strength Training
Family, work, and life obligations often leave us with no time to hit the gym. There are days and even seasons where we don't even have the chance to go for a quick run. After my new baby, I was stuck in this situation and

Training Under Time Constraints

by Angela Yorke January 26th, 2012| Strength Training
Ideally, we should all have sufficient time in a day to exercise, be it for aerobic fitness, flexibility, or strength. Unfortunately, most wage earners know that this is far from the case. Unless you have the luxury of delegating work to others, finding the time to build strength often

Push Ups

by Bea July 27th, 2010| Exercises, Strength Training
Doing push ups should never get old or boring to you. Push ups are excellent training methods for your body and there are so many different ways to do one that you can exercise a myriad of the muscles in your body. They can be hard to do, but that is


by Joe Lawrence March 24th, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercise Equipment, Exercises, Strength Training
The movie 300 has redefined fitness in the minds of many.  The incredible fitness levels of the cast motivated the hordes to learn how they got that cut.  Numerous people have created workout plans focused around it.  Today, I will share my favorite with you.

First off, I am a fan

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.