
Archives for treadmill


Cardio Walk on a Treadmill

by Bea February 25th, 2013| Cardio
Talking effective cardio walks in the winter can be a difficult activity to manage. When there is snow and ice on the ground, and it is cold, it is hard to motivate yourself to go outside and get your workout in; however, if you can go to a gym,
dumb bell

Upper Body Strength Training Warm Ups

by R. Carnavale February 11th, 2013| Strength Training, Upper Body
Nothing beats a great upper body workout, but you need to prepare your body for intense training before every lifting session. For some reason, while many people understand that they need to do warm ups before they lift weights, they resist doing so. It might help to think of

Incline Walking

by Bea December 7th, 2012| Cardio
Some people  might incorporate incline walking as a part of their cardiovascular workout. While it is true that this could definitely help in the process, you will have to make sure that you are walking properly in order to stay healthy.

Walking on an incline can often offer great benefits.


by Bea August 13th, 2012| Walking
If you do not think that you can get a daily walk in outside, it might be worth it to think about using a treadmill. You could always go to a gym, but when the gym is only a staircase away, I think you might be more motivated to

Cardio in the Heat

by Jessica B. July 31st, 2012| Cardio

It is hot out there, and getting out to run my daily 5-7 K has been becoming more and more of a challenge. Not because of the distance, but because I end up sweating and exhausted way too quickly in

Couch to 5K – Training on Vacation

by Jessica B. July 3rd, 2012| Cardio
It’s summer, and I am semi-officially on vacation. I am still doing a bit of work remotely, but I have a few weeks off from my day job and have decided to travel, ant take a bit of a road trip to visit family and enjoy the summer. I’ve

At Home Gym Equipment

by Jessica B. April 10th, 2012| Exercise Equipment
I’ve been looking for a good piece of at home gym equipment to boost my cardio workout. I find I struggle to find time to get to the gym, and I don’t always have a half an hour to go for a jog. If I had equipment at home,

5 Reasons to Like Treadmills

by Louise January 25th, 2011| Running
There once was a time when I really hated treadmills. Granted, I had once fallen off of one, and consequently, the word "treadmill" never really sparked happy thoughts in my mind. However, now a cross country and track runner in college, I've developed a new appreciation for treadmills. Here

Winter Walking

by MPK November 11th, 2010| Walking
If you live in a region upon which snow and ice will soon descend, how can you continue your regimen of walking?  The simple choice of walking in your neighborhood may be eliminated, if your streets become more narrow and your sidewalks aren't plowed well.  That doesn't mean that

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.