
Archives for types


Rules to Snack By

by Melissa Koerner February 6th, 2013| Nutrition
Snacking, almost everyone does it. From chips to soda to cookies, the options for snacking between meals are seemingly endless; however, sometimes we snack for reasons other than being truly hungry.  Think about it. Do you know what triggers your snack attacks? Answer these five questions to discover what

Goji Berries!

by Louise November 27th, 2012| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
Did you see the Zits comic this past Sunday? Connie (the mother) calls out, "Dessert time!" Walt (the father) responds with a smile until he is handed his "dessert," which Connie explains is a "spinach-wheatgrass-flaxseed-gojiberry-spirulina-oatmeal-kale-soy smoothie." I guess Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman couldn't resist poking fun at the

How to Spot a Bad Diet Plan

by Angela Yorke September 10th, 2012| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy
Of all the 4-letter words I can think of, none elicit stronger opinions than “diet.”  Some people are vehemently opposed to them, being of the opinion that restricting food types and/or eating times are indicative of a life half-lived. Other people are firm believers that the discipline needed to

The Ultimate Lower Body Workout

by Jessica B. August 21st, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
There are a lot of different exercises you can do to help build lower body strength, but squats can be the most effective way to see the biggest changes in a short amount of time. The great thing about squats is that you don’t need any extra special equipment.


by Bea August 13th, 2012| Walking
If you do not think that you can get a daily walk in outside, it might be worth it to think about using a treadmill. You could always go to a gym, but when the gym is only a staircase away, I think you might be more motivated to

Alternative Squats: Lower-Body Strength

by Angela Yorke August 6th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
Never having seen the event before, I was impressed and awe-struck by Olympic weightlifting. These people can lift up to 3 times my weight, to say the least!

Inferences that competitors receive chemical assistance aside, one commentator drew my attention with her constant references to a lifter “getting deep into

Hydration Belts

by Louise May 15th, 2012| Eating Tips
There was a time when I didn't speak too highly of hydration belts. I didn't like the idea of carrying extra water; I imagined it would uncomfortably slosh around during my run. The first hydration belts probably did cause some discomfort during exercise. Of course, things have changed. As

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.