
Archives for vegetables


12 Tips for Healthy Snacks at School

by R. Carnavale September 20th, 2023| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
It's snack time! Children always look forward to taking a break from their studies to eat something delicious. Snack time at school gives your children a chance to refuel, helps them remain alert for the rest of the day, lets them stave off hunger pangs, and helps them to
heirloom tomatoes (400x400)

5 Tasty Vegetables That Offer Tons of Vitamin C

by Marnie Bii June 9th, 2015| Healthy Eating, Superfoods
If you are watching your carb intake, you may have cut most fruit varieties out of your diet completely. Despite a lack of apples, bananas, oranges and other fruits, you can still consume a healthy amount of vitamins and minerals through diet alone. To keep your nutrient levels stable,

Healthy Snacks for Kids

by R. Carnavale February 1st, 2013| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
Snacks provide one third of a caloric intake, so how about making your children’s snacks appetizing and healthy? Growing children and teens need nutritious food to grow, become strong, and stay healthy. Processed, pre-packaged foods like potato chips, fruit snacks, and cookies tend to be calorie rich and nutrient

The Bonus Years Diet

by Kimberly Hays December 31st, 2012| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy
If you love red wine and chocolate, this diet is for you. It promises not only weight loss and a way to maintain your weight, but it also vows to add 6.2 years to your life. Dr. Ralph Felder developed this diet. In it, you consume seven

Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories

by R. Carnavale December 24th, 2012| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
There’s nothing better than eating nutritious low-calorie snacks to promote health and well-being. Healthy snacks can be hard to come by, especially if you’re looking for something in your supermarket’s snack aisle. Tempting snack foods like potato chips and candy are a health-conscious person’s worst nightmare. Food found in

Quick Workout Snacks

by Bea December 11th, 2012| Workout Fuel
When it comes to choosing pre-workout fuels, there are many options. Most people will suggest fruits like bananas or snacks like granola bars; however, you might have a completely different opinion. That is okay, because your body is different than everybody else's! For those of you who are struggling

Grab and Go Super Foods

by Kimberly Hays October 22nd, 2012| Diet Strategy, Superfoods
Everyone is super busy these days. Because of that, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. Nutrition is what fuels our bodies to be able to keep up our hectic schedules. Incorporating super foods that are easy to grab on the go are a great way to get


by Louise March 20th, 2012| Eating Tips
"Carbo-loading" is a term typically used by endurance athletes, which most commonly refers to eating increased amounts of carbohydrates starting three days before an endurance event, specifically a competition. Most commonly, carbo-loading comes in the form of a "pasta party" the night before a big race, such as the

A Happy, Clean, and Energized 2012

by Sarah Harris January 18th, 2012| Nutrition
Have the holiday festivities left you feeling tired, sluggish, irritable, and generally flat? Not to mention, are you having a hard time fitting into your clothes? It’s that time of year again, and the good times may have left us with a toxic build up that sits like lead

Yoga and Nutrition

by Denise Druce December 14th, 2011| Fitness Expert
I finally found it. The real magic potion. After 30 years of watching people turn to infomercials, pills, fads, surgeries, I finally found the cure to our nation’s obesity problem. It’s the Tree Bark Diet. A scientifically designed and proven formula that will melt fat off of your thighs,

Try Seasonal Eating

by Chang Song May 6th, 2011| Eating Tips
In May, during the glorious season of spring, many people restart their exercise regimens and begin new diets as they look forward to the summer. Getting into shape is easier if you incorporate the right seasonal foods into your diet. The combination of eating right and exercising will help

Cleansing Tips

by Carlo Celotti March 11th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Spring is a great time for cleansing.  Here are some tips to get you started:

-Cleansing doesn't have to involve the extreme measures you may have heard about, such as fasting, consuming only juices or others you may have been told about.

-Often times, just cleaning up your diet can be

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.