
Archives for July 2008

Feed your Muscles…

by Joe Lawrence July 30th, 2008| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Strength Training

You found a great workout plan with which you truly connect. You work your butt off at the gym everyday. Today you compared your measurements with your baseline numbers and discovered a 15% improvement. How would you like to make

Moose On the Loose

by Bea July 30th, 2008| Family Fitness, Running, Sports
Have a running group? It's a lot of fun just to get together as a group of people and go for runs throughout the week. However, have you ever thought of racing together as a team? You should, because it's a ton of fun!

On August 24th, 2008, at 9am,

Walking, bounding, striding? It’s all the same game.

by C Zuver July 22nd, 2008| Walking
"Nordic walking".

...Anyone?...Anybody know this one?

Although I'm sure there is an audience rolling their eyes at me for talking about such an obvious pastime, there's another audience among us still reading this to learn what it is.

Skiing without skis or slopes is


by Louise July 22nd, 2008| Biking, Cardio, Running, Walking
I remember at the start of my summer vacation I woke up at 8 a.m. determined to go for a run. Sure enough, I took a three mile route, and 27 minutes later I was back home. I decided that I would make it a goal to do the same

The Belly Ball

by Erin Steiner July 15th, 2008| Exercise Equipment

Instead of calling it a "stability ball" perhaps we should call it a "belly ball" since scientists have shown that using a stability ball in conjunction with a cardiovascular workout can shed as much as an inch from your belly in as little as two weeks! The trick seems


by Bea July 8th, 2008| Biking
With gas prices so high, it's a wonder why more people are not biking to work!

Whenever I go to Holland to visit my relatives, I always am amazed at how so many people bike. It is true that there aren't any hills in Holland, but still, people will bike everywhere

Up a Mountain – Burning Calories All the Way

by TK July 8th, 2008| Walking
A sunny day without children calls for outdoor activity for my WTB (wife-to-be) and me. So we decided to make it a high-calorie-burning adventure up Mt. Monadnock in western New Hampshire.

The leisurely 1.5 hour drive to Mt. Monadnock from our house gave us a chance to chat before


by Louise July 1st, 2008| Sports
I hear a lot of people talking about the one sport they love. In the fall, my friend plays for the volleyball school team. Winter, the same friend plays volleyball for a junior Olympics team. Spring, more junior Olympics. Summer, a summer volleyball league. Year-round volleyball. It has become a

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.