
Archives for February 2009


Give Me More Calories

by Joe Lawrence February 24th, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Family Fitness
The most basic building block of any diet is the calories that you consume.  Our body weight goals can be reached by regulating the calories we consume daily.

Calories obviously are needed to make our bodies function.  Every body type and person vary in the quantity of calories they need to

“Snatch the Pebble…”

by Joe Lawrence February 18th, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Family Fitness, Sports, Strength Training
Why are so many people registering their children or themselves for martial arts classes?  There are numerous reasons to get involved in the martial arts.  Whether you're trying to gain confidence, get into better shape or learn self-defense, martial arts is the answer.


Dieting Supplements; Help You Don’t Need

by B Kenney February 10th, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises
One of the biggest things my significant other constantly asks me is "Should I take something to help me start losing weight?"

She feels that she needs to take some sort of dieting supplement because she has a very busy schedule with little time for herself. Therefore, the time she gets

Enter the “Metrics”

by Joe Lawrence February 3rd, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercise Equipment, Exercises, Running, Sports, Strength Training
There are two simple words that can deliver unbelievable results: isometrics and plyometrics.  One is for speed and explosiveness.  The other builds strength and flexibility.  Both are notorious for getting you in awesome shape.

Isometric exercises use your body's weight or strength to make your muscles work.  Huh?  A perfect example

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.