
Archives for October 2011

Best Running Shoes

by Mackenzie M. October 31st, 2011| Running
Each runner prefers a different type of running shoe. Whether it be a shoe that makes for great stability, cushioning, motion control, or for specified terrain, the running shoe is perhaps the tool that will either help or hinder your running experience. I have compiled a brief list of

Meeting Cardio Exercise Guidelines

by Heather Duchan October 27th, 2011| Cardio
A number of institutions, including the American Heart Association, provide guidelines for healthy living. They advise that adults should get regular cariovasular exercise. Most of these guidelines recommend that adults participate in moderately intense cardio exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, for five days a week. Moderately

Fill Your Mind with Positive Thoughts

by Joan Jacobsen October 26th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Exercising goes hand in hand with maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. It’s quite apparent to step (pun intended) into the habit of jumping jacks, hula hooping, and running when your mind is set on a healthy fitness regime. What is not that easy on your proverbial climb is

Healthy Benefits of Basketball

by Heather Duchan October 25th, 2011| Sports
Basketball season is starting. Although it's fun for most to watch this sport, both live and on television, it's also a fun activity that promotes fitness. Here are five healthy benefits of playing basketball recreationally, for both children and adults:

1. Basketball promotes cardiovascular fitness. This is probably the most

Family Fitness Habits to Practice

by Angela Yorke October 24th, 2011| Family Fitness
Getting your family to live more healthily isn’t just about getting 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 times a week, although that’s a great way to go about it. One of the major misconceptions about fitness is that you only have to incorporate regular physical activity into the

Eating Before Exercise

by Heather Duchan October 20th, 2011| Eating Tips
Finding the best pre-exercise foods can be tricky, as every body is different. If you don't eat enough of the right foods, your performance and health could suffer. Likewise, eating too much of any food can make you feel sluggish or cause nausea and vomiting when combined with exercise. Also,

Avoid Mid-Afternoon Energy Crash

by Sarah Harris October 19th, 2011| Nutrition
Do you regularly experience a dip in energy and mood around 3pm?  Can’t seem to figure out how to get off the drain train? How we approach our nutrition can have a significant impact on our energy levels and well-being. Could you be missing out on some of these

Jumping Jacks

by Bea October 18th, 2011| Exercises
Remember when First Lady Michelle Obama was in the news because of her hula hooping campaign that was aimed at promoting children's health? Well, she took a different approach last Tuesday; this time it is jumping jacks.

Obama planned to break the Guinness World Record for having the most people

Fitness in Pregnancy

by Angela Yorke October 17th, 2011| Exercises
Did you hear about the woman who gave birth shortly after she completed the Chicago Marathon? Amber Miller began to feel sporadic contractions during the run, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl shortly after completing the 26.2 miles.

A lot of people fell over themselves to decry

Staving Off Monotony

by Angela Yorke October 13th, 2011| Cardio
Cardio is essential if you intend to lose weight and gain stamina. In addition to running, swimming, aerobics, and cycling, other forms of cardiovascular activity include dancing, rowing, and boxing. I’m certain I’ve left out others; just know that if your exercise activity increases your heart rate and ensures

Yoga for Better Relationships

by Denise Druce October 12th, 2011| Fitness Expert
I think yoga is the secret to a happy marriage. I kid you not. And not for the reasons you might think. The fact that there is such a thing as a "yoga butt" is not my point. And while your partner might enjoy seeing you do "happy baby"

Safe Walking

by Bea October 11th, 2011| Walking
I have been recently reading our school's crime log. Most of the crimes are silly ones, like people leaving their bike outside of the library for 45 minutes, and then coming back to find it gone; however, a lot of the recent crimes have involved people getting things stolen

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.