Top Yoga Poses for Cardio Fitness
by Heather Duchan July 7th, 2011| Cardio, Yoga
Yoga is often stereotyped as a relaxed workout tailored to increasing flexibility and reducing stress. Recent studies are showing that yoga is much more than that, demonstrating that individuals who practice yoga consistently have as good or better heart health than those who do only cardio exercises like running

More Advice Before Your First Yoga Class
by MPK June 1st, 2011| Yoga
These tips for your first yoga class are courtesy of Christine Northcote, Owner/Director of Full Circle Yoga.
There are a TON of styles of yoga.You could try to break down the different styles, but there is SO much interpretation among studios as to how they teach those styles, that
There are a TON of styles of yoga.You could try to break down the different styles, but there is SO much interpretation among studios as to how they teach those styles, that
by Jenn McD. May 18th, 2010| Yoga
I have decided to try a new form of exercise this summer. One of my really good friends is a dancer and loves Pilates. I’m more of a running on the treadmill kind of girl, but I have recently found that it is getting kind of repetitive and I need

Knowing Namaste
by TJ Davis May 13th, 2010| Yoga
Often heard in yoga classrooms throughout the country, the greeting "Namaste" is sometimes performed without more than a cursory understanding of its meaning and significance. One common, and very literal, translation from Sanskrit is "I bow to you", which may be more aptly described as "my soul bows to
Different Styles of Yoga
by Bea September 17th, 2009| Yoga
Most of us could tell you how Yoga can do wonders for your body. Whether it be a way to increase your flexibility, a method of relaxation, a meditation, a strength builder, or something else, there is something for everyone. Many of us know that there are different

by B Kenney July 1st, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Yoga
Yoga does the body good. More specifically, yoga helps exercise certain aspects that normal aerobic and intense workout routine don't.
A weight lifting, or even running, routine will not address balance, relaxation, and flexibility like yoga does; all of which are very important aspects of a healthy body. Yoga also will
A weight lifting, or even running, routine will not address balance, relaxation, and flexibility like yoga does; all of which are very important aspects of a healthy body. Yoga also will