
Archives for balance


Getting Back in Balance

by Denise Druce June 12th, 2013| Fitness Expert
Yogis often see parallels between time spent practicing poses and their lives outside the yoga studio. This is especially true of balance poses. Learning to balance ourselves on our mat helps us find balance in the precarious moments of life. If you’re stressed, sleep deprived, undernourished or obsessing over

Yoga for Runners

by Denise Druce September 12th, 2012| Fitness Expert
I did an informal poll today in a yoga class, and I learned that about half of my students consider themselves runners.  Some are just trying it out for the first time, and some are training for their ump-teenth marathon.  I can’t say enough about the benefits of yoga

Why Build Core Strength?

by Lori Sciame August 16th, 2012| Core, Mind & Body, Strength Training
Having a strong core is more important than most people realize.  If you have a strong core, not only exercise, but every day activities, can be done with more ease.  In addition, your balance and stability will be much better.  Read on to learn more about reasons to build

Stability Ball: Lower Body

by Jessica B. March 5th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
Here are a few easy exercises to do with your stability ball with a lower body focus. If you combine them with upper body exercises, you can have a full body workout that can be fun and challenging. The stability ball provides a great platform for your workout and

Running on the Beach

by Angela Yorke March 1st, 2012| Running
On the off chance you’ve run out of things to do on your beach holiday, or, more realistically, believe you’ve been eating too much, try going for a run on the beach first thing in the morning. Aside from the opportunity to enjoy a sunrise in relative solitude, it’s

Yoga for Cyclists

by Denise Druce February 8th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Today, in a training course for indoor cycle instructors, I realized that I had made my 10th remark about (and sales pitch for) the benefits of yoga for cyclists.  If you’re logging a lot of miles in the saddle, and aren’t balancing out your workouts with yoga, read on. 

Working Out as a Couple

by Angela Yorke January 12th, 2012| Exercises
It’s always nice to belong to something, and a relationship is one such partnership in which most people are happy to be a part. Ironically, unless you’re married or living together, spending time with that special someone can be difficult. This is because, as it is for other people

Yoga for Better Relationships

by Denise Druce October 12th, 2011| Fitness Expert
I think yoga is the secret to a happy marriage. I kid you not. And not for the reasons you might think. The fact that there is such a thing as a "yoga butt" is not my point. And while your partner might enjoy seeing you do "happy baby"

Reach the Glass

by Denise Druce August 10th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Very often, our best lessons are learned from the warriors in our life who are fighting the most difficult battles. Recently I attended a meeting for people with MS, and heard an inspiring story. Abby, a beautiful woman who has struggled with Multiple Sclerosis for many years, talked of


by Louise August 5th, 2010| Strength Training
Slacklining is all about balance. It's not a sport in which you compete against others; it is all about personal improvement. A slackline is essentially a long and extremely narrow trampoline. It is fairly taut, but stills sags a fair amount when weight is applied. Most slacklines are created

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