
Archives for breakfast


Best Breakfasts

by Melissa Koerner March 6th, 2013| Nutrition
It’s time to cast aside the Cheerios, instant oatmeal and pre-packaged breakfast bars, and start your day with REAL food!

If you want to be bursting with vitality and look and feel your absolute best, you MUST fuel your body with wholesome foods, especially at the start of your day.


Effective Strength Training Workout

by Kimberly Hays December 25th, 2012| 15 Minutes or Less, Strength Training
We all strive for a quick, effective strength training workout. While we are perfecting our routine as far as how many reps to do, and what moves are best for the desired results, we can all use a few tips that will make our muscles work harder.

Eat This NOT That! Part 1

by Melissa Koerner October 3rd, 2012| Nutrition
This is the first installment of a two part series on optimal food choices throughout the day. Check back in two weeks for afternoon nutrition tips.

It’s no wonder people are so confused about how to eat right these days!  I recently found a meal plan in a “health” magazine

Breakfast is for Champions

by Joan Jacobsen September 26th, 2012| Fitness Expert
In all the gym joints in all the towns, in all the world, they all appear to all have one message: EAT BREAKFAST! Yes, this seems to be a universal slogan that does prove to be the best advice when nutrition comes into play. Studies show that besides controlling

Fueling Your Workout

by Bea September 18th, 2012| Workout Fuel
One of the worst things you could do for yourself while exercising is to not have enough fuel to get yourself through your workout. Without properly fueling yourself, you are only harming your workout and tiring out your body. You need the right types of energy, such as carbohydrates,

10 Get Fit Commandments – Part One

by Melissa Koerner June 6th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Don’t be alarmed; this is not a religious post, but these are the very commandments that I live by and believe in. If you apply these simple “rules,” you can achieve amazing health and vitality!

1. Thou Shalt ONLY Eat Ingredients That Thy Can Pronounce.
Food processing companies add thousands of

A Runner’s Favorite: Oatmeal

by Louise January 24th, 2012| Eating Tips
There are four very good reasons why a runner (or anyone else for that matter) should like oatmeal: it's cheap, it's convenient, it's healthy, and it's tasty. It's tough for a particular food to meet all of these conditions, but oatmeal passes the test with flying colors.

Oatmeal is probably

Yoga and Nutrition

by Denise Druce December 14th, 2011| Fitness Expert
I finally found it. The real magic potion. After 30 years of watching people turn to infomercials, pills, fads, surgeries, I finally found the cure to our nation’s obesity problem. It’s the Tree Bark Diet. A scientifically designed and proven formula that will melt fat off of your thighs,

Family Fitness Habits to Practice

by Angela Yorke October 24th, 2011| Family Fitness
Getting your family to live more healthily isn’t just about getting 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 times a week, although that’s a great way to go about it. One of the major misconceptions about fitness is that you only have to incorporate regular physical activity into the

Avoid Mid-Afternoon Energy Crash

by Sarah Harris October 19th, 2011| Nutrition
Do you regularly experience a dip in energy and mood around 3pm?  Can’t seem to figure out how to get off the drain train? How we approach our nutrition can have a significant impact on our energy levels and well-being. Could you be missing out on some of these

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.