
Archives for lunges

belly dancer (400x400)

3 Heart-Pumping Exercises That Shape Your Glutes

by Marnie Bii August 21st, 2014| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
You don't have to be a slave to squats to get awesomely shaped glutes. You can work glute-shaping exercises into your cardio routine to achieve both goals at once. Just make sure to keep your heart rate in the target zone during each activity to gain the benefits of

Head for the Hills!

by Mackenzie M. February 21st, 2013| Cardio, Outdoor
As part of my weekly exercise routine, I head to the Mississippi River Levee system that encloses the New Orleans area from the lakes, rivers, and bayous that border the city. These steep levees make for a great tool for cardio workouts outdoors. For example, lunges, sprints, and even

Workout at the Beach!

by Mackenzie M. January 22nd, 2013| Cardio, Outdoor
Even though most of the country is in the midst of a deep freeze, before long it will be time for a long day out in the sun by the seashore. For those fortunate enough to live near a balmy beach all year round, the sand and

Pool Exercises: Core

by Mackenzie M. April 24th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
During the summer months there is no better place to work out your core than in a pool or some other refreshing body of water. Did you know that aquatic exercises actually burn fat faster than core exercises out of the water? Exercising in the water can actually ease

Using Stairs for a Good Workout

by Jessica B. February 6th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
Some days I just don't make it to the gym, and instead of feeling guilty, I put together this little lower body workout I can do on the stairs.

  1. Warm-up – Strength training is more effective when your muscles are warm. Begin by jogging up and down your stairs five

Training Under Time Constraints

by Angela Yorke January 26th, 2012| Strength Training
Ideally, we should all have sufficient time in a day to exercise, be it for aerobic fitness, flexibility, or strength. Unfortunately, most wage earners know that this is far from the case. Unless you have the luxury of delegating work to others, finding the time to build strength often


by Louise November 9th, 2010| Strength Training
We often talk about strength training referring to the strength of our arm muscles, but we can also perform strength training exercises for the muscles in our legs. One of the fundamental exercises that will help you strengthen your legs is lunges. Though lunges look relatively simple, they can

Lower Body Exercises

by MPK March 11th, 2010| Exercises
Last week, we began our countdown to bathing suit season with simple upper body exercises that can be done at home without any special exercise equipment.  This week we will continue with lower body exercises.  Again these exercises can be done at home, and you don't need to purchase

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.