
Archives for water


Muscle Recovery

by Bea February 8th, 2013| Workout Fuel
When it comes to gaining bulk by working out, there are many different foods that will help you get that muscle that you are looking for. While exercising is a great start, your diet greatly affects how effective your workout is. It is important to keep track of what

Eating After Strength Training

by Jessica B. November 23rd, 2012| Strength Training
One of the best ways to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your strength training workout is to eat the right foods. There are many different schools of thought as to how to replenish your body in the most effective manner. Here are a few tips that are

Aerobics and Lower Body Strength

by Jessica B. November 16th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
If you are getting tired of doing routine leg lifts and using machines to target your lower body, there are plenty of classes available at most gyms that can help your lower body muscles while working to build your cardio. Recent studies have shown that combining these forms of

Lower Body Pool Workout

by Jessica B. June 28th, 2012| Exercises, Lower Body, Strength Training
It is summer season, and if you don’t like sweating it out in the gym, it is probably getting a bit hot for you to keep up your outdoor workout. If you have access to a pool, there is no reason why you can’t keep your workout up even

10 Get Fit Commandments – Part Two

by Melissa Koerner June 20th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Last month, Melissa outlined the first five commandments to follow to achieve health and vitality. Read on to learn the rest of her top ten list!

6.    Thou Shalt Drink 50% of Thy Body Weight in Ounces Daily.

Our bodies are designed to use water - not soda, energy

Hydration Belts

by Louise May 15th, 2012| Eating Tips
There was a time when I didn't speak too highly of hydration belts. I didn't like the idea of carrying extra water; I imagined it would uncomfortably slosh around during my run. The first hydration belts probably did cause some discomfort during exercise. Of course, things have changed. As

Pool Exercises: Core

by Mackenzie M. April 24th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
During the summer months there is no better place to work out your core than in a pool or some other refreshing body of water. Did you know that aquatic exercises actually burn fat faster than core exercises out of the water? Exercising in the water can actually ease

Refueling While Doing Cardio

by Jessica B. March 13th, 2012| Cardio
It’s one of the age old questions, how much do you have to work out before you need to start thinking about refueling? Sometimes I see people out for a 5K jog with a water belt around their waist.  I know friends who have headed out for a half

The Importance of Hydration

by Carlo Celotti March 7th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Although we keep hearing different values for what percentage of the human body is water, one thing is certain...your body is more water than anything else. That in and of itself should tell you how important it is to drink water frequently and stay hydrated, but I'll give you a few more

Water During Your Walk

by Bea February 28th, 2012| Walking
Whether you are marathon walking, speed walking, or walking for fun, you need to keep your body hydrated. The easiest test to do is to check the color of your urine. You want to be drinking enough water so that you are able to keep yourself hydrated and to

A Happy, Clean, and Energized 2012

by Sarah Harris January 18th, 2012| Nutrition
Have the holiday festivities left you feeling tired, sluggish, irritable, and generally flat? Not to mention, are you having a hard time fitting into your clothes? It’s that time of year again, and the good times may have left us with a toxic build up that sits like lead

Vegan Bodybuilding

by Bea January 10th, 2012| Strength Training
When you think about a bodybuilder, you probably picture a bulky, vein-popping person who drinks protein shakes all day. You probably see them as meat eaters who spend more time at the gym than a person should.

It is okay to have that thought in your head; many bodybuilders are

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.