
Archives for May 2010

1, 2, 3, Hike!

by TJ Davis May 27th, 2010| Walking
Hiking is a wonderful way to relax, enjoy the outdoors, get and stay fit. But if you set out on the trails improperly prepared, hiking can turn out be a less than enjoyable experience. First, you need to be physically prepared to hike, and the training that you do

My New Running Buddy

by Louise May 25th, 2010| Running
Just under a year ago, I wrote an article about mixing fitness with our four-legged friends. Our pets, specifically dogs, when in healthy condition, can often be great running companions. They add extra motivation to a run, because you make two lives healthier when you take your

The Importance of Cross Training

by Bea May 20th, 2010| Exercises, Running, Strength Training, Walking
Cross training. Well, what is it? The words should give it away to some degree; cross training means that one would partake in different sports while focusing on their main sport in order to improve overall performance. For instance, some runners cross-train by riding their bike or doing laps


by Jenn McD. May 18th, 2010| Yoga
I have decided to try a new form of exercise this summer. One of my really good friends is a dancer and loves Pilates. I’m more of a running on the treadmill kind of girl, but I have recently found that it is getting kind of repetitive and I need

Knowing Namaste

by TJ Davis May 13th, 2010| Yoga
Often heard in yoga classrooms throughout the country, the greeting "Namaste" is sometimes performed without more than a cursory understanding of its meaning and significance. One common, and very literal, translation from Sanskrit is "I bow to you", which may be more aptly described as "my soul bows to

A Wheeling Feeling

by TJ Davis May 11th, 2010| Cardio, Family Fitness
Despite some recent unseasonable weather in many parts of the country, spring is here, and summer is on the way. School will soon be out, and some folks will be looking for ways to have fun and stay fit as a family. A morning stroll, a play day at

Muscle Fitness Magazine’s Top Muscle Movements

by Jenn McD. May 6th, 2010| Exercises
Muscle and Fitness Magazine released their “Top 9 Muscle Movement Exercises” in their May 2010 issue. I picked 5 of the 9 that I thought were really good, and hopefully you will think so, too!

Flat-bench dumbbell press
In a chest routine, you need to build mass so that

Fighting Pre-teen and Teen Fatigue

by TJ Davis May 4th, 2010| Family Fitness
There are several medical reasons a teenager may become unusually fatigued, mononucleosis and anemia being among them, so if you are a teen facing sudden and excessive fatigue, you should tell your parents and consult a physician right
away. However, if the tiredness you feel comes on gradually you simply

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.