Healthy Dairy Treats to Love
by R. Carnavale February 19th, 2013| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
Dairy products are a great source of calcium, protein, Vitamins A and D, and Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). According to the USDA, children ages 9-18 need three servings of dairy products daily to build strong bones. Adults need dairy products, too, to maintain bone strength and to prevent osteoporosis. Milk

What to Eat After Exercising
by Louise November 15th, 2011| Eating Tips
Many people ask about what's best to eat before a workout. Perhaps the equally (and some may even argue more) important question, which seems to be addressed less frequently is, what should we eat after a workout?
When exercising, your body turns to its glycogen stores as its primary,
When exercising, your body turns to its glycogen stores as its primary,

Chocolate Milk
by Bea January 12th, 2010| Eating Tips
After a muscle burning and heart pounding workout, what should you be reaching into your fridge for, as you stand there, drenched with sweat? The answer is simple--chocolate milk.
While some people drink water to hydrate themselves and to keep their muscles from cramping, others turn to sports drinks, such
While some people drink water to hydrate themselves and to keep their muscles from cramping, others turn to sports drinks, such

Save Money on Supplements
by Joe Lawrence November 18th, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Family Fitness, Running, Sports, Strength Training
When it comes to fitness, there is no secret that you put your body through the wringer. Afterward your body requires the replacement of essential nutrients. There are many companies and a trillion dollar fitness industry willing to sell you the secret potions to replenish you after a workout and