
Archives for hydration


Superfoods for Hydration

by Kimberly Hays July 2nd, 2013| Diet Strategy, Superfoods
In summer, we need to be more conscious of getting enough water, especially when working out. With our bodies being made of 60% water, we need to stay hydrated to keep our organs healthy. If you become dehydrated, your body does not get the nutrients that you need, and

Fueling for the Cold

by Bea June 25th, 2013| Workout Fuel
In the US it's summer time; however, in other parts of the world, it's time to prepare for a cold weather workout. What you consume prior to your cold weather workout will have an impact on your workout and how successful you are.

Hydration will always be a key, no

Fueling My First (Sprint) Triathlon

by Louise July 12th, 2012| Eating Tips
This upcoming weekend I'll be tackling my first triathlon! Okay, okay, I admit it: it's a sprint triathlon. I figured it wouldn't be entirely intelligent to go for the whole shebang for my first triathlon experience, especially since I've never actually tried swimming across a distance larger than the

Run Through the Summer Heat to Victory

by Mackenzie M. June 15th, 2012| Running
From personal experience, I know that there are few physical activities more horrific than trying to run two miles on a blisteringly hot New Orleans morning. The humidity, oppressive heat, and inevitable dehydration make finding motivation to run extremely difficult. This is a problem for runners all around the

Hydration Belts

by Louise May 15th, 2012| Eating Tips
There was a time when I didn't speak too highly of hydration belts. I didn't like the idea of carrying extra water; I imagined it would uncomfortably slosh around during my run. The first hydration belts probably did cause some discomfort during exercise. Of course, things have changed. As

Just Running with It

by Angela Yorke May 7th, 2012| Family Fitness
Parents are usually a major influence on the fitness activity in which a child expresses interest. Running is relatively easy to start with, the most significant expense being a good pair of shoes.

Naturally, any responsible parent would be wary of overexertion. As with adult newcomers to any activity, children

Refueling While Doing Cardio

by Jessica B. March 13th, 2012| Cardio
It’s one of the age old questions, how much do you have to work out before you need to start thinking about refueling? Sometimes I see people out for a 5K jog with a water belt around their waist.  I know friends who have headed out for a half

The Importance of Hydration

by Carlo Celotti March 7th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Although we keep hearing different values for what percentage of the human body is water, one thing is certain...your body is more water than anything else. That in and of itself should tell you how important it is to drink water frequently and stay hydrated, but I'll give you a few more

Water During Your Walk

by Bea February 28th, 2012| Walking
Whether you are marathon walking, speed walking, or walking for fun, you need to keep your body hydrated. The easiest test to do is to check the color of your urine. You want to be drinking enough water so that you are able to keep yourself hydrated and to

Digestive Wellness: Happiness from the Inside Out

by Sarah Harris September 21st, 2011| Nutrition
“We are not only what we eat, but what we digest, absorb, and eliminate.” These words caught my attention on my first day at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition. Over the years, they inspired my work, to help both my clients and myself.

According to the Canadian Digestive Health Association,

Save Money on Supplements

by Joe Lawrence November 18th, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Family Fitness, Running, Sports, Strength Training
When it comes to fitness, there is no secret that you put your body through the wringer.  Afterward your body requires the replacement of essential nutrients.  There are many companies and a trillion dollar fitness industry willing to sell you the secret potions to replenish you after a workout and

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.