
Archives for Running

When the Weather Gets Hot…

by Bea June 24th, 2010| Running, Sports
This morning I went outside to go for my daily run. I have done my fair share of complaining about running in the heat, but in high school I had my coach to keep me from whining and a training program to stick to. Now that I run for

My New Running Buddy

by Louise May 25th, 2010| Running
Just under a year ago, I wrote an article about mixing fitness with our four-legged friends. Our pets, specifically dogs, when in healthy condition, can often be great running companions. They add extra motivation to a run, because you make two lives healthier when you take your

How to Start Running

by Jacob Parzych April 27th, 2010| Cardio, Running
Running is a great way to get into shape, and a fairly simple way.  It doesn't require much and can be done anywhere.  As a runner, I have provided some tips for people considering it.

  • First of all, before you do anything else, make sure you are in shape to

Proud Influence

by Louise March 16th, 2010| Running
There are many people like you and me, interested in fitness and willing to make the commitment to exercise, but then there is the other side of the spectrum, where people don't mind sitting all day long. We all have friends just like that. What if you could be
running shoes

Choosing Running Shoes

by Bea November 3rd, 2009| Running
When I was little my mom would lead me to the clearance section or to wherever the markdown shoes were, and I would pick out the best looking shoes that were my size. What brand they were did not matter to me, how the support was incorporated did not even

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.