3 Awesome Cardio Workouts Perfect for Couples
by Marnie Bii February 2nd, 2015| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
While on your journey to significant weight loss or strength gains, you may find your motivation flagging on occasion. The loss of oomph is a perfectly natural reaction to sustained personal improvement programs. Thankfully, you can invite your significant other along for the ride to strengthen your bond while

3 Ways to Integrate Cardio Into Your Vacation Days
by Marnie Bii July 31st, 2014| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
When vacationing, it's tempting to leave all of your worries, and exercises, behind until you return home. If you do that, however, you might find your progress taking a sudden backslide. Fortunately, you can integrate cardio routines into your vacation days without taking away from the fun. In fact,

Core Strength Training with Fido
by Mackenzie M. November 6th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Last week I wrote some tips about running with the family dog to increase running habits. This week, I want to focus another way to incorporate the family dog into an exercise routine. It builds off of running into the area of core strength training. Believe it