
Archives for Running

Run Yourself Fit – Not Ragged

by Angela Yorke May 19th, 2011| Cardio, Running
Many people don’t run the way they should; they neglect proper form for distance and/or speed. Over time, this results in painful knees, screaming bunions, persistent backache, and loss of interest. Running should be easy and enjoyable, and I have found the following approaches worth adopting.

Everyone has heard of

Boston Marathon, 2011

by Bea May 2nd, 2011| Running, Sports
This year's Boston Marathon certainly turned some heads!  One item of news was about 81 year-old Clarence Hartley. He was the oldest runner of the race and ran it in 4:26:25. That's a whole lot faster than a lot of other people who set out to battle the

Running Surfaces

by Louise March 22nd, 2011| Running
What you run on is important. Each surface affects your form in a different way. Densely packed surfaces can be hard on joints, while more “giving” surfaces can be hard on certain muscle groups. The stress from the impact falls in different areas. All surfaces have pros and cons.


New Balance Indoor Grand Prix

by Louise February 24th, 2011| Running
I hate to admit it: although I'm a lover of running, I have never turned on a TV to watch a track race or a marathon. I prefer to actually be running, rather than watching. However, on February 5, I attended the 16th Annual New Balance Indoor Grand Prix,

5 Reasons to Like Treadmills

by Louise January 25th, 2011| Running
There once was a time when I really hated treadmills. Granted, I had once fallen off of one, and consequently, the word "treadmill" never really sparked happy thoughts in my mind. However, now a cross country and track runner in college, I've developed a new appreciation for treadmills. Here

Running Form: Part Two

by Louise December 30th, 2010| Running
When running, many of us take the time to determine the distance the run will be, where the run will be, and the pace we plan to take. One aspect we don't always consider, which is perhaps the most important one of all, is how we run; we often

Running Form: Part One

by Louise November 30th, 2010| Running
How do you know if you are running as efficiently as possible? The key is proper running form and mechanics. Naturally, there are many different running styles. Every person is built differently; therefore, every person has a unique stride. However, there are many aspects of form and mechanics that

Picking Up the Pace

by Louise November 2nd, 2010| Running
Have you ever been on a run and felt like you needed to slow down, and upon doing so, felt more tired than you were before? I've definitely had this feeling. In fact, I used to feel this way on all of my runs, finding myself getting to a

Ready to Run

by TJ Davis September 30th, 2010| Running
Exercise is essential to good health, and one of the most popular forms of exercise is running. Running is one of the best cardio workouts you can give your body. It increases heart rate, improves blood flow, and enhances delivery of oxygen to muscles. It also tones your muscles

Take a Walk in My Shoes…

by Jenn McD. July 29th, 2010| Eating Tips, Running
I am going into my senior year of college, and I decided I wanted to trim down a few pounds to look good for next year. I’m not a huge fan of running, but I know it works when you need it to and keep it up regularly.

I currently

Running while Pregnant

by Bea July 6th, 2010| Family Fitness, Running
I recently saw an article about Working Out While Pregnant and because I am a runner, I was curious to find out more about running while pregnant. No, I am not thinking of becoming pregnant anytime in the near future and no, the following pieces of advice do

Daniels’ Running Formula

by Louise July 1st, 2010| Exercises, Running
Are you bored of just going on runs without a certain goal? Perhaps it is time to enter a race. Running races is a great way for runners to measure their condition, compare it to the past, and hopefully gauge a center amount of improvement. Being able to set

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.