
Archives for 2011

Yoga: Enjoy the Little Things

by Denise Druce July 13th, 2011| Fitness Expert
An amazing thing happened today. I held my son’s pet rat Spike, who was taking his last breaths. I was never a fan of rats, until my boys begged to bring one home. And being a lover of all things furry, I was converted. What was really amazing about

What Your Pulse Rate Tells You

by Louise July 11th, 2011| Cardio
Did you know that your heart rate can tell you when you need a break from your current exercise routine, for example your daily run? Monitoring your resting heart rate can help you prevent over training and injury. The first thing to do is determine your resting heart rate.

Determining your

Optimum Performance – Sports Massage

by Heather Duchan July 8th, 2011| Sports
Some athletes go beyond seeking simple fitness. They focus on attaining a level of performance that may overwork certain muscles in ways that are not always healthy. Many sports require using a single group of muscles over and over in a specific way that can result in hypertrophy, compensation

Top Yoga Poses for Cardio Fitness

by Heather Duchan July 7th, 2011| Cardio, Yoga
Yoga is often stereotyped as a relaxed workout tailored to increasing flexibility and reducing stress. Recent studies are showing that yoga is much more than that, demonstrating that individuals who practice yoga consistently have as good or better heart health than those who do only cardio exercises like running

Sleep: The Hidden Secret of Weight Loss

by Carlo Celotti July 5th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Everyone knows how proper exercise and a healthy diet can help you to drop pounds, but few realize how important sleep is for it as well. Believe it or not, laying down more and not moving can actually help you to lose weight. Now it's not the same as

Why Exercise Together?

by Angela Yorke July 4th, 2011| Exercises, Family Fitness
Everyone knows how important it is to be healthy, especially those who are always planning to “set some time aside for exercise." The most obvious benefit of a fitness regime is that, well, you get fitter and healthier. Exercise buffs also know that working out allows a person to

Groningen Study on the 10% Rule

by Bea June 30th, 2011| Running
I just read an article in New York Times the other day that mentioned a study in Groningen and the 10% rule. The word Groningen attracted me purely because I currently live in Holland; however the challenge to the 10% rule was also something I was happy to see.

How to Exercise Without Really Trying

by Angela Yorke June 27th, 2011| Exercises, Mind & Body
Exercise is important, yet it’s one of those things that keeps getting pushed down the to-do list to the point where even the baggiest jeans somehow become skinny-fitting jeans. Setting aside 30-60 minutes a day just to exercise can seem burdensome when you consider the amount of time we

So Much Walking Left to Do…

by Bea June 24th, 2011| Walking
Perhaps one of the most annoying things about beach vacations is getting a sunburn on the first day and walking around like a penguin saying “Ow. Ow. Ow.” the whole time.  However, I think that sore feet can be an even bigger vacation bummer. There are many causes behind

Getting Over a Plateau

by Angela Yorke June 23rd, 2011| Cardio
The first few months of a cardio regime are always the best, despite what your aching lungs might tell you in the beginning. Unfortunately, the body has a way of upsetting the best fitness goals by plateauing after a certain period.

There are a few signs that signal that your

Get That Weight Loss Program Started!

by Natalie Weiss June 22nd, 2011| Nutrition
Summer has begun, and many of us are wearing shorts, tank tops, and flip flops.  While the warmth of summer and the need for less clothing is pleasing for many, for just as many, the thought of bearing more skin is stressful.  Rather than berating yourself, why not start a

5 Great Reasons to Do Push-ups

by Louise June 20th, 2011| Strength Training
How to perform a proper push-up: Lie chest-down, with hands shoulder-level, slightly more than shoulder-width apart, palms flat. Feet should be together. Start the motion by straightening your arms, which pushes your body off the floor. Then, lower your body. Look forward, not down; if any part of your

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.