
Archives for eating

Eating After Strength Training

by Jessica B. November 23rd, 2012| Strength Training
One of the best ways to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your strength training workout is to eat the right foods. There are many different schools of thought as to how to replenish your body in the most effective manner. Here are a few tips that are

Eating and Cardio

by Angela Yorke November 7th, 2011| Cardio
There was an interesting article about diets in the paper today. The Paleo diet was mentioned, as was the raw food movement. The reporter interviewed a school friend named Linda,* a personal trainer who follows the Paleo diet and whom was described as a fitness enthusiast (a bit like

Eating Before Exercise

by Heather Duchan October 20th, 2011| Eating Tips
Finding the best pre-exercise foods can be tricky, as every body is different. If you don't eat enough of the right foods, your performance and health could suffer. Likewise, eating too much of any food can make you feel sluggish or cause nausea and vomiting when combined with exercise. Also,

The Dynamic Duo

by Chang Song March 8th, 2011| Eating Tips
Spring is a season that gives many people around the globe a good chance to shed some pounds they had gained during the hibernating season of winter. Thus, the best ways for anyone to become healthier are to implement frequent exercise and healthy eating, the dynamic duo in fitness.


Eat, Exercise, and Be Merry

by Chang Song December 14th, 2010| Eating Tips
During the winter holiday season, it is important to relax and be happy because no one wants to be on Santa’s naughty list just right before Christmas. Often times, people find themselves more stressed out than they should be. One of the concerns during holiday season is that the

Smarter Way to Avoid Obesity

by Chang Song October 21st, 2010| Eating Tips
For the past several years, people have begun to realize that the United States has several noticeable issues. From its down-sloping economy to its unbelievable amount of reality shows on TV, the United States has its hands full, to say the least. But one of rather alarming issues is

Timing is Everything

by Chang Song September 21st, 2010| Eating Tips
Here in the United States, every American wants to be skinny. There is an overgrown obsession with working out. Millions people know what to do but don’t know when to.

Many people have strived to become skinny, but it is hard to drop that couple of pounds. Now, you can

How to Avoid Heartburn While Exercising

by Bea September 2nd, 2010| Eating Tips, Exercises
If you have experienced heartburn while you were in the middle of a workout, then you probably have a tendency to shy away from working out because I am sure that is not a pleasant feeling. The ironic thing is that exercising should get your body even healthier and

Mood Foods

by TJ Davis July 20th, 2010| Eating Tips
Neurotransmitters are special chemicals in the brain which affect a number of body functions. Three neurotansmitters, in particular, are associated with positivity and good moods: serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Chemical levels of these neurotransmitters can be affected by a number of factors, including heredity, alcohol, hormones and food.

Serotonin is

Driving Miss Lazy

by TJ Davis June 29th, 2010| Eating Tips, Exercises
Miss Lazy - the part of me that routinely says things like, "You need to relax a while, let's watch another movie," and, "It's too hot to cook, let's order pizza." I tell myself all the time, that's not me. I'm not Lazy. I am a single mom, working

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.