
Archives for time


Benefits of Keeping a Runner’s Log

by Louise March 27th, 2013| Fitness Expert
To start things off, I should clarify what I mean by a  runner's log. A workout/runner's log is generally a physical notebook where you jot down all of the relevant details and commentary on your workout, but it doesn't have to be. I don't know about you, but despite

Tone up in Ten Minutes

by Melissa Koerner December 19th, 2012| Exercise Equipment
“I don’t have time to workout!” is the number one challenge I hear from people when it comes to exercise. Well, if you’re one of those people who doesn’t have a lot of time to train each day, here’s a solution to your problem:  all you need is 10 minutes

Fighting Through Couch to 5K

by Jessica B. June 5th, 2012| Cardio, Mind & Body
A few weeks ago I posted about my ambition to start the Couch to 5K again after a long break due to a broken foot. While the foot has recovered, I haven’t quite found my way back to the running trail, and I miss it. I am also afraid

5 Quickie Moves for Sexy Legs and Sleek Arms

by Melissa Koerner May 16th, 2012| Fitness Expert
I’d be willing to bet that you want to tone-up your legs and arms but you face one or all of the following problems:

1. You don’t have a lot of time to work out.
2. You get bored doing the same exercises.
3. You don’t know what exercises to do.
4. You

Training Under Time Constraints

by Angela Yorke January 26th, 2012| Strength Training
Ideally, we should all have sufficient time in a day to exercise, be it for aerobic fitness, flexibility, or strength. Unfortunately, most wage earners know that this is far from the case. Unless you have the luxury of delegating work to others, finding the time to build strength often

Working Out as a Couple

by Angela Yorke January 12th, 2012| Exercises
It’s always nice to belong to something, and a relationship is one such partnership in which most people are happy to be a part. Ironically, unless you’re married or living together, spending time with that special someone can be difficult. This is because, as it is for other people

Exercise Routine During the Holidays

by Angela Yorke December 19th, 2011| Family Fitness
One of the enduring ironies of the holiday season is that we usually accomplish fewer things in a day even though we have more time to do so. An exercise routine is one of those things that tends to be neglected when the holidays roll around, because, well, it’s

How Much is “Enough” Exercise?

by Angela Yorke August 22nd, 2011| Exercises
I read a summary of a study that left me feeling both relieved and confused - relieved, because it turned out that a mere 15 minutes exercise daily would extend my lifespan, and confused, because convention always said that you should exercise 30 minutes or more over 5-6 days

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.