
Archives for Sports


Sports Massages

by Bea June 2nd, 2009| Eating Tips, Exercises, Sports, Strength Training
Sports massages are not your typical massages. You may be thinking, but it is a massage! How could you want to avoid one of those? Well, sports massages may not always feel great. Sometimes it is necessary to break down knotted up muscles--which leaves you sore the next day, but


by Bea May 12th, 2009| Exercise Equipment, Running, Sports, Walking
Though some people may find these "shoes" attractive, I think that they are the funkiest pieces of footwear I ever have seen! Remember those good ol' toe socks? Okay, well these shoes are similar to the socks in the sense that every toe has its own spot.

Vibram FiveFingers are

Jump into the Water

by Joe Lawrence March 31st, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Sports, Strength Training
"If you want to learn to swim, jump into the water." - Bruce Lee.

These wise words are so very true for those training for a certain sport or physical challenge.  Bruce was explaining that no matter how much we prepare or train to do something, it is fruitless unless we

Reach Your Fitness Goals One Step at a Time

by Joe Lawrence March 10th, 2009| Eating Tips, Exercises, Sports, Strength Training
Many of us look at ourselves in the mirror and don't see something we like.  We wish we were thinner or more muscular or whatever.  Eventually, it will get to the point where we are ready to take action.  Even those in shape go through the same cycle.  They want to

“Snatch the Pebble…”

by Joe Lawrence February 18th, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Family Fitness, Sports, Strength Training
Why are so many people registering their children or themselves for martial arts classes?  There are numerous reasons to get involved in the martial arts.  Whether you're trying to gain confidence, get into better shape or learn self-defense, martial arts is the answer.


Enter the “Metrics”

by Joe Lawrence February 3rd, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercise Equipment, Exercises, Running, Sports, Strength Training
There are two simple words that can deliver unbelievable results: isometrics and plyometrics.  One is for speed and explosiveness.  The other builds strength and flexibility.  Both are notorious for getting you in awesome shape.

Isometric exercises use your body's weight or strength to make your muscles work.  Huh?  A perfect example

Get to the ‘Core’ Issue in 2009

by Joe Lawrence December 17th, 2008| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Family Fitness, Running, Sports, Strength Training
Ahh, in just a few more weeks the new year will be here.  It is going to take us a couple of weeks to stop writing 2008 on all of our documents and even less time to forget our resolutions.  That is right, you heard me.  We make resolutions very

Push Yourself for Just One More…

by Joe Lawrence November 25th, 2008| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Family Fitness, Running, Sports, Strength Training, Yoga
Have you ever noticed that you gain faster results when you workout with another person?  Why is it that the same exact workout plan when done in a group is much more effective than on your own?  The answer is truly mind over matter.

When we workout with another that person

Drop Two Minutes from Your 1.5 Mile Run

by Joe Lawrence November 11th, 2008| Cardio, Exercises, Running, Sports, Strength Training
Let me start by saying, I do not enjoy distance running...at all.  I do love to sprint, though.  However, the Air Force requires me to run, and I am tested on my 1.5 mile run time.

Not too long ago (less than a year) I was timed at 11:36 for my

Group Fitness Classes

by Bea September 23rd, 2008| Cardio, Exercises, Sports, Yoga
On my first day at college, I walked out of my Calculus Two class with my mouth gaping wide open. The teacher literally had just started. He walked into the room exactly at 4:35 and said, "My name is Professor Lupi. Everyone remember Integration by Substitution? Good." He then proceeded

2008 Olympics

by Louise August 19th, 2008| Running, Sports
I've decided to take a break from talking about what we can do about our own fitness, in order to talk about the people who are considered to have the best fitness in our country (and sometimes the world): the U.S. Olympic athletes. Most of these athletes have been training

Moose On the Loose

by Bea July 30th, 2008| Family Fitness, Running, Sports
Have a running group? It's a lot of fun just to get together as a group of people and go for runs throughout the week. However, have you ever thought of racing together as a team? You should, because it's a ton of fun!

On August 24th, 2008, at 9am,

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.