
Archives for benefits

hot pants

Advantages of Compression Shorts

by Kimberly Hays April 1st, 2013| Exercise Wear
Compression shorts are snug fitting shorts that are used mainly by athletes, but they are becoming popular with those who work out regularly, and even with mothers who have recently given birth to help get their abdominal muscles. Usually made of spandex, they are not worn to be fashionable,

The Fiber 35 Diet

by Kimberly Hays March 28th, 2013| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy
The Fiber 35 Diet was developed by Brenda Watson. It appears to be a difficult diet when you first start, but if you can stick with it, you can lose 8 pounds in the first month, and then an additional pound each week thereafter. It offers a free membership

The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet

by Kimberly Hays February 26th, 2013| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy
The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet was developed by Barbara Rolls who is a nutrition professor at Penn State University. The diet consists of interpreting food’s energy density, and it is broken down into four categories. Category 1 includes low density foods such as fruits and vegetables that are low in

Breath of Fire

by Denise Druce February 13th, 2013| Fitness Expert
A student recently asked me about the breathing exercise that makes you sweat. I had to clarify, “you mean Breath of Fire, right?” She said she had been told by a yoga teacher that there was a breathing technique that makes you sweat. You don’t need to do any
Reclama la Bounty: Mare, soare, cocotier

Superfood Review: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

by Kimberly Hays February 12th, 2013| Diet Strategy, Superfoods
Coconut oil used to be thought of as an unhealthy oil to cook with because of its high fat content. In recent years, however, studies have proven that theory wrong over and over. Extra virgin coconut oil, though it is 90% fat, is different from animal fats. It is
Fresh green vegetable, isolated over white

Paleo or Vegan Diet for Athletes

by Bea January 4th, 2013| Workout Fuel
There are many ways to attack the new year, new you idea that you probably have going on in your head. One of the growing trends is to try out a vegan diet, and another is to try the Paleo diet. Vegans do not eat meat, fish,
ice skate

Ice Skating for Your Health

by Mackenzie M. December 28th, 2012| Cardio
Before Christmas, I had the opportunity to go ice skating with some family and friends after a nearly ten year hiatus. After the first wobbly glides, I got the hang of it again, and was whizzing across the icy pond. Faster than expected, my ankles began to

Moisture Wicking Fabrics for Workouts

by Kimberly Hays December 10th, 2012| Exercise Wear
Moisture wicking is gaining popularity. It was first used for exercise wear to pull the perspiration away from athletes to keep them more comfortable during strenuous workouts and in competitions. It is now available for everyone, and it is used in bras and other underwear which has proven to

Incline Walking

by Bea December 7th, 2012| Cardio
Some people  might incorporate incline walking as a part of their cardiovascular workout. While it is true that this could definitely help in the process, you will have to make sure that you are walking properly in order to stay healthy.

Walking on an incline can often offer great benefits.

Goji Berries!

by Louise November 27th, 2012| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
Did you see the Zits comic this past Sunday? Connie (the mother) calls out, "Dessert time!" Walt (the father) responds with a smile until he is handed his "dessert," which Connie explains is a "spinach-wheatgrass-flaxseed-gojiberry-spirulina-oatmeal-kale-soy smoothie." I guess Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman couldn't resist poking fun at the

Core Strength Training with Fido

by Mackenzie M. November 6th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Last week I wrote some tips about running with the family dog to increase running habits. This week, I want to focus another way to incorporate the family dog into an exercise routine. It builds off of running into the area of core strength training. Believe it

Personal Training: Upper Body

by Jessica B. October 23rd, 2012| Strength Training, Upper Body
When I hit a workout funk, I team up with a personal trainer to try to revamp my routine and to help me to keep meeting my goals. You do not need to have a lot of money to work with a personal trainer. You do not need to

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.