
Archives for 2010

Muscle Fitness Magazine’s Top Muscle Movements

by Jenn McD. May 6th, 2010| Exercises
Muscle and Fitness Magazine released their “Top 9 Muscle Movement Exercises” in their May 2010 issue. I picked 5 of the 9 that I thought were really good, and hopefully you will think so, too!

Flat-bench dumbbell press
In a chest routine, you need to build mass so that

Fighting Pre-teen and Teen Fatigue

by TJ Davis May 4th, 2010| Family Fitness
There are several medical reasons a teenager may become unusually fatigued, mononucleosis and anemia being among them, so if you are a teen facing sudden and excessive fatigue, you should tell your parents and consult a physician right
away. However, if the tiredness you feel comes on gradually you simply

Getting Ready for Your First Marathon

by Bea April 29th, 2010| Running
Okay, so maybe you are out of shape, so what! You still can get ready for your first marathon! Even if you are not a runner, it is not an impossible goal to achieve. We never said that you had to win the race, you just need to finish

How to Start Running

by Jacob Parzych April 27th, 2010| Cardio, Running
Running is a great way to get into shape, and a fairly simple way.  It doesn't require much and can be done anywhere.  As a runner, I have provided some tips for people considering it.

  • First of all, before you do anything else, make sure you are in shape to

The Cortisol Connection

by TJ Davis April 23rd, 2010| Eating Tips, Family Fitness
Despite growing concerns about overweight teens in the US, the health crisis continues to spread. National campaigns to combat child and teen obesity have been, so far, ineffective. Blame for the epidemic has been placed in many areas – fast food, junk food, too much food, depression, lack of

Q&A: The Boston Marathon

by Louise April 20th, 2010| Running
Each year, tens of thousands of runners begin a 26-mile journey from Hopkinton, Massachusetts, to their final destination, Boston, Massachusetts. This is the Boston Marathon.

When exactly is it? The Boston Marathon is held every year on the third Monday of the month of April. This year, April 19 was that

Busy, busy, busy…

by Jenn McD. April 15th, 2010| Exercises
This past semester has been quite a busy one for me. Student Government, Black Student Association, not to mention my job as Men’s Lacrosse manager and then everyday classes and homework take up a lot of my time. The key to a busy schedule for me is a planner.

More about Exercise Addiction

by Bea April 13th, 2010| Exercises
Last week we published an article about how exercise can indeed become addictive. As written in that previous article, it is important to make sure that exercise does not become the focal part of your life and that you are able to balance everything in your life without putting exercise first

Exercise Can Be Addictive?

by MPK April 8th, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
When you think of the term addict, what do you picture?  Perhaps it is someone who is addicted to drugs, or maybe it is someone who is a chain smoker.  Regardless, you probably think of someone with an unhealthy habit, not something good for you, such as exercise.  However, some

Getting into College with Sports

by Louise April 6th, 2010| Sports
I remember being told when I was a child that something like .01% of students goes to college with help from sports. I believed it, that high school sports wouldn't help me in the slightest.

However, during the college application process, one of my coaches, a recent graduate from college,

Inexpensive Equipment for Home

by MPK April 1st, 2010| Exercise Equipment
Recently, we published a series of articles about exercises that can be done at home for free and that will produce results. Thanks to the assistance of many knowledgeable fitness experts we were able to provide how-to information for upper body, lower body, and abdominal exercises. 

Spartacus: Blood and Sand –Gladiator Camp

by Jenn McD. March 30th, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
Ever since January 22, 2010, my guilty pleasure and obsession has been with the new Starz original series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand. The show talks about a man who was betrayed by the Romans, forced into slavery, and reborn as a gladiator.

In order to play these beasts of

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.