
Archives for vacation

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3 Heart-Pumping Sports You Can Play on Vacation

by Marnie Bii July 24th, 2014| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
After taking a long vacation, it's often difficult to fall back into your cardio routine without a hitch. You might feel out of breath, weak or just unmotivated while working back up to your normal effort levels. To prevent this situation, you can work cardio-based sports into your vacation
running on beach (400x400)

Cardio on the Go: Exercise Plan For Your Vay-Cay

by Marnie Bii July 3rd, 2014| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
If you're traveling for work or pleasure, you might be wondering how to avoid losing your progress while you're away from the gym. This is especially true if you want to go out to dinners and enjoy cocktails without dealing with a severe caloric deficit. Continuing your cardio routine

Running Smart on Vacation

by Louise December 26th, 2012| Fitness Expert
If you're lucky, or just have good planning, your week off from exercise might coincide with your vacation; however, if that's not the case, it will take some extra work and a few special considerations to continue your training appropriately while you take your "break."

Depending on one's current

Staying Active While on Holiday

by Angela Yorke August 20th, 2012| Exercises
Everyone looks forward to holidays. Indeed, if asked what they intend to do during their holiday other than a planned getaway with friends or family, most working adults are likely to say “nothing.”

While eschewing your routine altogether during a holiday, fitness activities included, is a very tempting prospect, you

Couch to 5K – Training on Vacation

by Jessica B. July 3rd, 2012| Cardio
It’s summer, and I am semi-officially on vacation. I am still doing a bit of work remotely, but I have a few weeks off from my day job and have decided to travel, ant take a bit of a road trip to visit family and enjoy the summer. I’ve

Travel and Running

by Mackenzie M. November 29th, 2011| Running
Many people use vacations as a time to relax from the routine from every day life.  They focus on eating and shopping, and fall out of their running routine, using the excuse, “I’m on vacation.” However, even while on a vacation, falling out of your running cycle can be

So Much Walking Left to Do…

by Bea June 24th, 2011| Walking
Perhaps one of the most annoying things about beach vacations is getting a sunburn on the first day and walking around like a penguin saying “Ow. Ow. Ow.” the whole time.  However, I think that sore feet can be an even bigger vacation bummer. There are many causes behind

My Feet Are Numb

by Bea May 26th, 2011| Walking
When it comes to exploring new cities, I would be someone you may not want to travel with. I want to see everything, so stopping to sit makes me antsy. Though I don't mind sitting down after a hike or to take in the scenery, stopping every hour and

Exercising While on Vacation

by Bea April 20th, 2011| Biking, Exercises, Family Fitness
You know what’s unfair? The more fit you are, the faster you can lose that fitness. In just three weeks, you could lose 5-10% of your aerobic power and/or endurance; however your strength may stick around a little longer because of muscle memory. If you decide to take a

Fitness on the Go

by Carlo Celotti April 13th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Whether you're on the road or just away from your gym, it doesn't mean that you should take a break from your workouts.  Try these tips to keep yourself active and healthy:

  • There really are no excuses to not workout no matter where you are.  All you need is a

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.