
Archives for February 2014

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Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Explained

by James Maynard February 28th, 2014| Video
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is one of the many schools of practice within the ancient practice. While proponents of yoga agree the study provides physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, practioners have differing opinions regarding methods. In this video, we learn about Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, which means “eight-limbed.” We learn a
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Race Day Inspiration: Learn from the Pros

by Louise February 26th, 2014| Fitness Expert
Every runner has their own special motivation for running. You might run for your health, for the competitive aspect, for companionship, to get places, all of the above, or none of the above. Whatever it is, it's a fantastic reason to run as long as what inspires you keeps
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Healthy Cookies?

by Bea February 25th, 2014| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
A few days ago I finished up a really tough day on the slopes. With multiple glade runs, a 30 minute uphill hike, and more, I certainly got my workout in for the day. On the way back to my room, I stopped by the office and saw that
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Perfection in 15 Minutes

by Joe Lawrence February 24th, 2014| 15 Minutes or Less, Strength Training
Years ago, when I was teaching Tae Kwon Do, I would periodically shift the entire focus of the class to perfecting a very basic technique. Martial arts have traditions that go back thousands of years and each are passed down from generation to generation. If one of us messes
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Is Yoga for You-ga?

by James Maynard February 21st, 2014| Video
Yoga is practiced by millions of people around the world as a way to help stay fit, as well as reduce stress and cope with other challenges in day-to-day life. Many people have looked into the practice, and may be wondering if yoga is a good option for them.
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Indoor Cardio With Richard Simmons

by Jessica B. February 20th, 2014| Cardio, Indoor
Although it seems a bit old school, the workout stylings of Richard Simmons remain one of the best ways to get moving and breaking a sweat if you have a lot of weight to lose and you are too nervous to hit the gym. Simmons gives you a nice
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Exercises to Get Rid of Love Handles

by Jason Brennan February 19th, 2014| Fitness Expert
The love handles are a target area for most of us; we do crunches and side bends in hopes that the abs will start to peek out. Trying to focus on reducing body fat in one particular area is called spot reducing and is very hard to do.

The best plan for
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Push and Pull for Upper Body Strength

by Joe Lawrence February 17th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
We all work our major muscle groups by isolating them. Some work just chest, just back, just abs, etc. Most people combine muscle groups like back and biceps or chest and triceps. We all vary the workouts to maximize the amount of time off in between and the ability
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When a Pain in the Back Goes South

by James Maynard February 14th, 2014| Video
Everyone who works out is going to feel discomfort from time to time, and even occasional pain. Back pain is especially common among people trying to stay fit. However, when pain gets to be too serious, you should immediately seek care from a medical professional. The challenge is in
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Choosing a Comfortable After Workout Sweatshirt

by Jessica B. February 13th, 2014| Exercise Wear
If you enjoy a good yoga workout, a run on chillier days, or just a nice brisk walk outdoors, you probably are on the lookout for a good comfy sweatshirt. There are so many different sweatshirts to choose from it is hard to know where to begin, but here
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by Denise Druce February 12th, 2014| Fitness Expert
None of my boys learned to crawl the traditional way. All three learned to "butt scoot" until they could pull themselves up to walk. But I don't remember any of them ever saying "This is too hard. I'm quitting. One of you will just have to carry me for
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Yoga Offers Lower Body Strength

by Joe Lawrence February 10th, 2014| Lower Body, Strength Training
Last week I wrote about doing CrossFit and about how impressive their workout philosophy is. They are a true full body fitness regime that you can do in very little time. I also said CrossFit is second best only to martial arts. This got me thinking about which art

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.