Living in the south I can already see summer peeking around the corner. This is great; however, I definitely need to get my beach body ready. I am going to do this using my never-fail three part plan.

3 Part Plan for Getting Beach Ready
by Joe Lawrence April 17th, 2024| Strength Training
Quiet Your Inner Voice to Improve Your Body Image
by Marnie Bii April 10th, 2024| Mind & BodyIf you cannot calm and quiet your inner voice, you may be your own worst enemy. Negative reactions to your image in a mirror or photograph can instantly derail your efforts to achieve self-acceptance. Even if

The Spark Solutions Diet
by Kimberly Hays March 6th, 2024| Diet Plans, Diet StrategyThe weight loss website,, has developed a diet called the Spark Solutions diet. The diet is formulated to fast track you into a regimen of healthy eating and regular exercise over a two week period.

Cardio Like a Child: Part 2
by Joe Lawrence February 28th, 2024| Cardio, OutdoorEver since writing the article about doing cardio like a child, I have received a lot of emails from family and friends asking for more. They had so much fun pretending to be kids again that