
Archives for June 2015

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3 Yummy Compound Butter Recipes You Must Try

by Marnie Bii June 30th, 2015| Eating Tips, Healthy Eating
Butter improves the flavor of almost all ingredients from veggies to meats. Just a single tablespoon of butter, however, adds one hundred calories to your meal. If you like to drown your meal in butter, these extra calories can quickly add up. You can reduce the amount of butter
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Staying Fit in the Summer with Friends

by Sam P. June 24th, 2015| Fitness Expert, Teen

Staying fit this summer is way easier than it seems.  Of course, everyone is far more active in the summer, but the summer also makes being fit fun.  I mean, no one wants to go outside in the winter and run around with

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4 Tips for Making a Standard American Diet Work

by Marnie Bii June 23rd, 2015| Diet Plans, Healthy Eating
The Standard American Diet, or SAD, often comes under harsh criticism for its high carbohydrate, low protein and moderate fat ratios. As a result of the high carb content, many of the dishes enjoyed on this diet are overflowing with sugar. A lack of regular dietary protein can have
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5 Best Long Hair Solutions for Your Run

by Jessica B. June 18th, 2015| Accessories, Exercise Equipment
Running with long hair isn’t always comfortable. It can be heavy, it can get stuck to the back of your neck, it can get in your eyes, and some days it can feel like no hair tie out there can contain all of the hair you have on your

Summer Safety for Kids

by Tom Seman MD FAAP June 17th, 2015| Children's, Fitness Expert
It's June. Although in the East the weather has turned cool, later May was a scorcher in this area. The heat and beautiful weather bring out the children wherever you look. School bells ring signaling the end of the school day, and soon the school year, and these children
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Why You Should Increase Fats to Stay Full

by Marnie Bii June 16th, 2015| Diet Strategy, Healthy Eating
When you drop your calorie intake levels to a 25 to 30 percent deficit, you might start feeling exceptionally ravenous during certain hours of the day. Although your initial reaction might be to consume a large plate of low calorie, fiber dense vegetables, you will likely feel satiated faster
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Visualization for Inspiration

by Kimberly Hays June 12th, 2015| Inspiration, Mind & Body
If you feel like you have met a plateau and you aren’t seeing the results you used to, it may be just temporary and you have to push through. That can be difficult, but you can use your mind to help get through it by using visualization.

Visualization is similar

7 Most Common Reasons for Needing a Medical Certificate Signed by a GP

by Editorial Team June 12th, 2015| Fitness Expert, Medical
No one ‘likes’ to go to the doctor even if there is a need to get in right away for an illness that suddenly popped up. The wait times are horrendous and doctors simply don’t have the time for patient care that they once had. Most try to make
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4 Things to Look for When Buying Cycling Shoes

by Marnie Bii June 11th, 2015| Accessories, Exercise Wear
As you increase your speed and distance on bike rides, you may start to notice a desperate need for purpose built shoes. A good pair of shoes decreases strain on the nerves, ligaments and muscles in your feet. Once you make the smart investment on better shoes, you may

Let The Sun Shine!

by Joan Jacobsen June 10th, 2015| Fitness Expert, Senior
There was an article that was featured on a popular health website regarding the Blue Zones in the world, where many of the population live to one hundred years old and beyond. A supplemental article written by Dan Buettner the original author, as he went on to give information
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5 Tasty Vegetables That Offer Tons of Vitamin C

by Marnie Bii June 9th, 2015| Healthy Eating, Superfoods
If you are watching your carb intake, you may have cut most fruit varieties out of your diet completely. Despite a lack of apples, bananas, oranges and other fruits, you can still consume a healthy amount of vitamins and minerals through diet alone. To keep your nutrient levels stable,
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5 New Workout Headphones Worth Checking Out

by Jessica B. June 4th, 2015| Accessories, Technology

This year much of the workout tech world is focused on smart bands and smart watches, but for those of us who are already tuned in to our workouts, the most important tech accessory is a good pair of headphones. This year there

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.