3 Technologically Advanced Workout Apparel Items
by Marnie Bii March 19th, 2015| Accessories, Exercise Wear
Although you can complete your workouts in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, technologically advanced workout apparel can make your sessions more comfortable and enjoyable. Exercise wear designers are creating gear from high tech fabrics that reduce odor and sweat output. Furthermore, many of the garments use specially

4 Nutrient-Rich Stomach Turning Super Foods
by Marnie Bii March 17th, 2015| Healthy Eating, Superfoods
Sometimes nutritious food does not always come in the most appetizing package. In fact, the most delicious things on the menu do not often have the nutritional value of less palatable ingredients. The following nutrient dense items definitely take that idea to the next level, however. Luckily, if you

3 Yummy Roasted Vegetable Recipes You Need to Try
by Marnie Bii March 10th, 2015| Healthy Eating, Nutrition
While growing up, you may have developed an intense dislike for certain vegetables, like Brussels sprouts, broccoli or cauliflower. In a hurry to serve the family, many parents often steamed or boiled these vegetables until they were cooked through. Unfortunately, steaming or boiling vegetables does not develop their flavors

3 Headphone Features You Will Love for Workouts
by Marnie Bii March 5th, 2015| Accessories, Technology
Exploring the Hacker’s Diet in Detail
by Marnie Bii March 3rd, 2015| Diet Plans, Healthy Eating
The Hacker's Diet breaks down the weight loss and maintenance process in formulaic steps that are easy for anyone to understand. Technologically minded individuals enjoy the ability to use spreadsheets and graphs to create a plan and track progress. Everyone else appreciates the way this diet plan breaks down